What you get
Everything to help you manage your presentation files on-demand
Unlimited usage, uploads, downloads and file shares
Support to get started and ongoing help if problems arise
Training sessions for your team and inbuilt tutorials
Free iPad app to manage your presentations on the move
Secure hosting on our US and/or European servers (you can choose)
No need for Plug-ins or software installations
99.95% Uptime guaranteed
Unlimited free software upgrades and updates
Economy of scale: the price per user goes down the more users you need
Popular Features To Empower Collaboration
Manage your presentations and share knowledge seamlessly with Slidebank. Here are some of our top presentation management features.
Build Presentations
Slidebank is very visual - a little like Google Images for your slides. Thumbnails make it easy to mix and match slides from different presentations.
Simply drag and drop slide thumbnails from your search results into a new PowerPoint presentation.
Apply different presentation templates for your various brands. Aid brand consistency and speed of building presentations.
In addition to a public library, every user can have a personal folder to store their slide selections.
Easily share PowerPoint files via email through Slidebank. View edits that colleagues have made in previous versions, making communication easier.
Manage presentations
Slidebank nests the different versions of your presentation together, automatically date and time stamping them. The system shows you clearly what has changed, and when.
Keep all slide users updated automatically, just by changing the master slide. Make the changes you want, let Slidebank handle the rest.
Lock slides in a particular order, protect sensitive content from editing, and control what your users can and can't do in the Slidebank system.
Keep the data silos in your business where you need them. People only see what they've been given access to. Everything else stays hidden.
Set expiry dates for PowerPoint files. Expired files don't get deleted, but hidden for all other users.
See full analytics for how your slides, presentation content and Slidebank account are being used.
Operate Slidebank without leaving your Salesforce dashboard. Set up Single Sign On using Salesforce.
A Pricing Plan to Suit Your Needs
Slidebank is purchased on a monthly subscription basis, and flexes according to the number of users you have.
All price plans are monthly, with a 1 clear calendar month cancellation period. Slidebank accounts flex by the number of users, reducing in cost per head the more users you have.
What Sets Slidebank Apart
“Slidebank’s rich feature set, global reach and “always on” cloud infrastructure allow us to keep our presentations up-to-date, always available and customizable. It is a valuable tool in providing effective and consistent presentations across the organization on-demand.”
We empower global users across all industries
Slidebank is used by global businesses across all sectors, particularly regulated industries.
Search your entire database for specific slides or presentations. Search across slide content, speaker notes & keywords. See visual thumbnail results. Refine using Boolean search terms.